PCP: Your Gateway to Better Health
Choosing a primary care physician, or PCP, is one of the most important things you can do to stay healthy! Seeing them regularly can help you stay on top of your health in many ways.

How to Use Up Your FSA Balance
If you have a flexible spending account (FSA) for health care, you might be wondering how to use up your balance before the end of the year. With a few of months remaining, and a potential grace period, you have time to incur eligible expenses.

Small Business Insurance Essentials
Do you know which types of small business insurance you need to protect yourself, your family and your business? What about where to find them, how much coverage you need or what price is reasonable? Read this article for answers.

How to Get the Best Deals on Prescriptions
Prescription medication can get expensive. Here are our top 10 tips for getting the best deals on yours, wither they are needed regularly or occasionally to help you save money on meds.

Medicare Enrollment Information for 2025
A Crucial Time is Approaching - Medicare Enrollment for 2025! There May be Changes to your Plan Due to the "Inflation Reduction Act." Michigan Seniors Learn More Here...

Which Health Records Should I Keep?
Maintaining an organized system for your medical records could help you get better care! This simple task can help them provide more effective treatments—and skip ones that you don't need.

What are Qualifying Life Events for Health Insurance?
Here’s what you should know about qualifying life events and special enrollment periods with regards to your health insurance. You only have a certain amount of time to change your plan!

Most Americans Lack Disability Insurance Or Means To Financially Survive A Long-Term Disability
According to a Cigna survey, about 50% of workers like their jobs, and 10%
would continue working the same job even if they had enough money to never work
However, the survey also found that most workers did not have solid…

National Down Syndrome Awareness Month
October is National Down Syndrome Awareness Month.
What is Down Syndrome?
According to the National Down Syndrome Society, in every cell in the human body there is a nucleus, where genetic material is stored in genes. Genes carry…

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Find out more about breast cancer from the American Cancer Society and get your questions answered.
Breast Cancer
Whether you or a loved one are worried about developing breast cancer,…